Samcart Review – Is it Worth it For Small Business Owners This Year?


Are you looking for an honest SamCart Review? By building a well-designed check out pages, you can dramatically boost your sales and provide more value to your clients

Getting people to your website is one thing. Getting them into action (and buying multiple products at the same time) is another! Fortunately, there are solutions made to make your life easier.

This is the goal of Samcart, a web marketing tool offering various functionalities to optimize the conversion of your online business sales.

Various templates aimed at optimizing your sales are available. We tested the tool for you: here is our opinion!

What is Samcart : 

SamCart is a SaaS sales software intended to move customers into your funnels and close sales.

Design custom payment pages and start selling in minutes, then polish with A / B testing and upselling functionality to maximize your sales.

If a sale is missed, follow with the retargeting and cart abandonment features of SamCart.

Samcart Shopping Cart (1)

Whether you own a product, subscription, service, physical or digital membership, SamCart can equip you with the convenient marketing tools you require to produce a flourishing business that sells.

Samcart Review : Buttom Line

Samcart is considered to be one of the best shopping-cart-software for small online businesses focusing essentially on optimized cart transaction and checkout pages. It helps in retaining customers in the purchase journey and reducing your cart abandonment rate. All along with order bump, subscription, one-click upsell, and payment plan capacities that are intended to boost your profits.

Samcart Features 

First up on our Samcart review is an in-depth discussion about its many useful features. As we said Samcart is one of the most popular web-based checkout platform utilized by thousands of businesses nowadays.

The system boasts to have processed more than a billion dollars and launched 7 million products to date and that’s from about 10000+ businesses.

The platform promises to increase your visitor conversion rate turning them into customers and then increase your customer’s value to your business.

This is made possible by their many and well-designed checkout templates together with features like one-click upsell, subscription, order bump, and payment plan capabilities designed to maximize your profits from every sale.

Let’s get to the different Samcart features.

1. In-Depth Dashboard

An effective dashboard is a landing page that if you check it out at the start of your day you’d see everything that you need to know about your business at a glance.

That’s exactly what a Samcart dashboard does.

Once you log in, you’d immediately see a quick summary of your sales within a specified date range. This is also further broken down as gross sales in general, profit, and refund.

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You’d also see and be able to sort from one-time to recurring sales which as we can imagine would really come in handy.

Immediately you’d see a graph detailing the ups and downs of your sales and your business as a whole.

Naturally, your dashboard would contain all the links to specific tools and track the rest of the activities of your company.

2. Order bump

In sales psychology, it is accepted that a person is more likely to buy an additional inexpensive product, once he has bought an expensive product.

The order bump or "additional sale" plays on this psychological lever.

This is a small check box for adding a product/service, in addition to the product that the user is about to buy.

Order bump Example (1)

Probably the best-known example is that of Amazon. For example, after adding to the cart and before validating it, Amazon will offer “laptop insurance” for the purchase of a laptop.

The user, on the verge of validating his order, can decide to spontaneously add this insurance, which in the end is little compared to the price of the computer.

However, for a computer that would be sold $ 450, it still makes + 10% more turnover! Now imagine that you offer this on all your products: an extended warranty, 24-hour customer service, insurance, etc.

A simple way to increase your profitability!

Order bump Example in Samcart (1)

This is how to add Order Bump in Samcart ( launch Plan )

3. A / B Testing

AB Test Samcart (1)

Wouldn’t it be nice to try out two different templates just so you can assess which one would yield the best results for your business?

Yes, it surely is, and that’s what this A/B Testing feature is for.

A/B Testing is a way of comparing 2 different versions of your website. The main idea is of course to see which one is better.

When A/B Testing a checkout page, you can try 2 different product descriptions and see which one converts visitors better.

No more guesswork when optimizing your website, plus this greatly lessens your abandonment rate aside from improving or even doubling your conversion rate.

The goal is to quickly eliminate the versions of your underperforming pages in order to keep only the ones that work best.

AB test using Samcart (1)

This How it looks Like if you will AB test Funnels in Samcart ( Launch Plan )

Trust me, you’ll be shocked by the positive results this feature can bring to your business.

4. Upsells in 1 click

upsell in Samcart new 1 (1)

Upsell is a technique well known to web marketing professionals.

Indeed, it is a question of proposing to the user when purchasing a more “high-end” version of the product he has just purchased, against a slightly higher price.

For example, let's say you sell an ebook about personal development. Once purchased, you could offer the customer  an audio version of your book, as well as an additional workbook, and why not have a 1-hour consultation with you on Skype.

A good way to optimize your profitability. Samcart allows you to manage upsells in 1 click!

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One way to add upsell in Samcart

5. Creation of coupon codes

Coupons are a great way to seal a deal with your potential clients.

Offering these options will drastically boost your conversion!

In fact about 65% of shoppers say that incentivized sales plus discount coupons or codes helped them finalized their decision to buy a product. 

This is even better when coupons are then automatically applied to their purchase and Samcart definitely allows for you to have that.

As a business, you would definitely want to have the option to add coupons to your checkout pages so your new or existing customers will feel more valued and at the same time keep on coming back for more.

add coupon in samcart (1)

How to Add coupon in Launch Plan

6. Payments Plans

Payment plan in Samcart (1)

Let’s take another simple example. You want to offer yourself an online program allowing you to learn how to develop. 

The course costs 600$, but you find it too expensive. However, a payment offer in 3 installments is available. The price of $ 200 per month seems softer!

It is proven that by offering this type of payment, your sales will increase by 17.8% on average.

Price is often a barrier to buying, but payment plans work around the problem. Again, Samcart offers provides this functionality for your online business!

7. Subscription Saver 

This feature allows you to gain sales by offering users the possibility to update their credit card information, in case the information is out of date.

It is a major cause of cart abandonment. Imagine that this happens to 1 in 10 customers during the purchase. That's 10% less turnover!

Subscription Saver Samcart (1)

8. Creation of free trials

Having a free trial of a product is the best way to convince a user of the relevance of your offer.

Indeed, allowing users to try (for example a shopping cart tool) by  will allow them to realize whether or not, the tool is made for their needs. 

This can be the best way to convert a prospect into a customer!

1 dollar Trial in Samcart 1 (1)
Netflix is possibly the greatest example of the advantage of free trials. According to Merriman Capital analyst Eric Wold, who has been following trial-to-membership progress for Netflix across the past years, Netflix is running at a 93% growth rate.

Checkout page Features 

In this Samcart review, here are some important checkout page features that we want to highlight so you’d know more about the value Samcart brings on the table for your budding business.

Check out pages Samcart (1)

Fast Set-Up

If there’s one sector that is constantly getting huger benefits from technology advancement then it’s the business sector.

The advent of the internet is exactly the reason why E-commerce has come to life and is now a primary way of doing business across the planet.

You’d think that setting up an E-commerce site then would be grueling and would require you to hire a software engineer to develop your website.

Well, you probably still will but with Samcart, a few clicks and drags here and there and you can set up your pages in a few minutes.

This includes setting up your products from its name to its price, and integration products.

You will have access to pre-designed templates with pre-designed widgets that will help you boost your sales. There are also pre-made collections to help you create your pages even faster.

Related  Topic : The 20 Best Shopping Cart Software You Can Try Today

Custom Closers

Part of setting up your page is infusing it with custom closers.

These are useful tools to let your clients boost their conversion rate by giving them a way of adding product photos, and also benefit bullets.

Also, they will have the option to link their stuff on social media for trust-building testimonials, and at the same time guarantees.

Checkout Popups

You really won’t exactly know what goes on people’s minds, especially when they are trying to purchase a product.

pop up in Samcart (1)

Maybe it is an impulse buy, maybe not. The reality is they can change their minds in an instant and just like that you lose a sale. 

One instance where a customer may cancel a purchase is with inconvenient payment options. This won’t happen if you go with Samcart.

Samcart will enable your customers to pay right there on the product page. Setting up a payment plan will convert 18% more customers!

Free SSL Certificate

The main concern and a major deterrent when people make purchases online are concerns about their security.

That’s only natural since they will have to put their credit card or bank information online.

An SSL certificate will help alleviate these fears. Your clients can have the confidence to your checkout pages if your site is SSL certified and at the same time served via https.

>>Start your free trial to use SamCart now!


This is one other cool part of the Samcart system.

You have all of the features you need to build your brand and make more sales.

At at the same time, they allow you to access and integrate known third-party apps seamlessly to help you manage your day to day tasks fluidly.

Samcart Integration new (1)

1. Email

Email is an integral part of our lives.

Even not for business but just for overall communication needs, from subscriptions to newsletters or simple messages from people we know.

So you can just imagine how integral it is for you to build your business.

Samcart conveniently lets you connect to know email providers like ConvertKit, AWeber, Drip, GetResponse, Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, iContact, and other email marketing services.

Email in Samcart (1)

2. Marketing Automation 

We all have repetitive tasks that we need to do regularly.

Plus, making sure that your brand or products are available on different platforms or channels is a must when trying to build your business primarily online.

Samcart lets you integrate popular marketing automation platforms like Hubspot, Intercom, Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, and Ontraport.

3. Membership 

Need access to your members, associations, clubs, or client lists?

No worries as some of the leading membership platforms are also integrated into Samcart.

You have Kajabi, Wishlist Member, Post Affiliate Pro, Memberpress, Thinkific, Member Mouse, and Digital Access.

4. Page Builders 

You will also have the ability to integrate some of the best page builder platforms using Samcart. We’re talking about WordPress, Thinkific, and Optimize Press.

5. Payment Providers 

Last but not least, Samcart allows integration for leading payment providers like Stripe and Paypal.

Samcart Payment (1)

Integrating is so easy oftentimes you just have to copy and paste your API key.

SamCart integrates with most major players especially email marketing auto-responder platforms and membership markets.

There’s also definitely more room for more integrations in the future.

Your marketing tool ain’t on the list? Then fret not as you can always use Zapier to connect to your favorite tools.

Affiliate Center

Another great reason to consider Samcart is the ability to have affiliates.

You can have a lot of channels and platforms to help you promote your products and your business.

You need to know that Samcart’s Affiliate Center is miles ahead compared to other affiliate platforms.

Go to your affiliate management dashboard, and there you’ll see the options for setting up your affiliate commissions, affiliate signups, configure payout periods, affiliate approvals, and also cookie expiration.

Here’s where exactly SamCart’s affiliate center stands out above the crowd.

It was one of the first at allowing for users to create affiliate links that will send visitors to a web page of their choice and at the same time credits affiliates should a potential client decide to purchase a product or service.

This works really well for either small or big business owners who publish content.

You can set up affiliate promotion links and send customers to a sales page, webinar registration page, a squeeze page, or even a YouTube URL and affiliates will get credited should a sale be made.

In a nutshell, SamCart’s affiliate tracking still works no matter the affiliate URL your affiliates will use when they sign up for the affiliate program.The only downside to this affiliate dashboard is that there are no tracking IDs for the affiliates.

Customer Support

Samcart Support (1)

Of course, a Samcart review wouldn’t be complete without talking about an integral part of any business operations, its customer support system.

Softwares, websites, and systems are just code after all, and with code, there can be errors and bugs.

You’ll definitely come across some technical issues and you will need help with it. 

That’s why a good customer support team is crucial to a business's operation.

SamCart’s customer support team offers:

  • Help Center Documentation
  • Live Chat Support
  • Email Support
  • Facebook Group

Samcart provides help to their clients through thorough and informative support articles, straight to the point, and understandable.

They also have how-to videos that encompass their platform features and overall services.

They have an email customer support option as well as a live chat option. Typically their live chat replies within a few minutes to a few hours.

For emails expect a window of a few hours or up to a day. Samcart support hours are 9 am to 5 pm EST on weekdays.

Their Facebook group also has 14000+ members and could also be a support channel. SamCart, like other competitive platforms, does not have a direct phone support option.

Knowledge Base

Samcart offers 4 different plans to date and all of them will give you access to their extensive knowledge base.

This is valuable since this will give you the ability to troubleshoot simple problems on your own which would save a lot of time.

With any of these plans, you will be prioritized from 2 days SLA to within just hours of response time.

This truly means that help and support is just one click away with Samcart.

A solution to a problem is provided in a rather timely manner, this allows you to get back to operating your business and take care of other pressing issues.

Fast problem solving equals more business opportunities.

However, there are also a lot of people (including me) that love to read and learn.

An exciting tool like Samcart is definitely one that people would love reading about.

Samcart’s knowledge base is full of articles with almost all of them having video walkthrough, and this really helps visual people to follow and understand many step-by-step processes.

A great knowledge base means more time for their customer support people to respond to other issues that are otherwise needing further intervention.

Efficiency is the name of the game for Samcart.

SamCart pros and cons

Samcart Pros


  • It is so easy to use
  • You have access to different payment processing tools
  • Well-designed and innovative templates
  • One-button-click access to upsell your other services or products
  • The free trial offer, money-back guarantee and on-barding assistance
  • Superb customer support
  • All the useful tools, such as the features and integrations you’d need to add value to your business and your clients

Samcart Cons


  • Currently will only work with PayPal and Stripe
  • One of the rather expensive tools out there at a starting price of $49
  • Does not have a digital built-in sales tax calculation
  • Affiliate system will not have tracking IDs that the affiliates may use

How much does SamCart cost?

After all of that discussion, it’s only fitting that the last section of our Samcart review is how much you are going to spend so you can avail of all of these useful and innovative features and start your much-awaited business expansion through sales growth.

SamCart primarily offers 3 plans for you to choose from with no additional processing fees whatsoever, these are:

  • Launch Plan for $59 per month (Yearly Plan) 
  • Grow Plan for $119 per month (Yearly Plan) 
  • Scale Plan for $239 per month (Yearly Plan) 
Samcart Pricing .

Launch Plan

As the name indicates, Samcart targets startups or new businesses with this plan.

The plan is aimed to assist any budding entrepreneurs and brand to grow.

In a nutshell, this plan is going to allow you to create a website for your clients or potential clients to visit where you will be able to showcase your various products and services.

This plan contains unlimited pages, unlimited templates, the convenient Drag and Drop template builder, unlimited products, advanced subscriptions, full email customizations, custom domains, digital product delivery, coupons and discounts, and smart pixel tracking.

You will be allowed one admin user, dashboard and sales reports, and integrations with Zapier, Email, and Membership.

You will also have access to the knowledge and email customer support with 2 days SLA.

>>SamCart Offers a Free Trial

Grow Plan

If you think your business is ready to take on more growth then this next plan is for you.

This is where you step up your game and start converting more visitors and multiplying the value of your already existing ones. 

This plan has all the features mentioned above with the Launch plan plus, Custom Checkout Fields, Pre-Purchase Add-Ons, Post-Purchase Upsells, and Multiple Payment Options.

You will be allowed 3 user admins, as well as Customer Management, Subscription Charge Reminder, and Advanced Subscription Cancellations and the same integration offers. Customer support will be on one day SLA.

>>SamCart Offers Free Trial

Scale Plan

This plan has got it all. Everything that Samcart offers including all the advanced features you will definitely need when trying to scale your business.

You will have 10 user admins, all the features mentioned above plus customer self-cancellations. 

You will also have access to useful applications like Cart abandonment, Built-in AB Testing, Affiliate center, and subscription saver.

This also comes with CRM integration as well as Custom Integrations (Webhooks). You will also be a priority for their customer support.

>>SamCart Offers a Free Trial

Wait there’s more!

Samcart now offers an Enterprise Plan.

Enterprise Plan

Samcart Pricing Plans (1)

Based on Thrivecart reviews they offer an onetime lifetime licensing fee of $495 with their pro plan at $690.

Still a bit hesitant to try out Samcart

Don’t worry they offer a generous 7-Day Free Trial plus a Money-Back Guarantee period.

They have a conversion boost guarantee that entails that if you don’t boost your sales you’ll have a 100% money-back guarantee and you’ll get a month free subscription for your software.

Not just that, they also have a Concierge Onboarding where they will work with you step by step to get your pages set up.

These are great deals! You’ll have access to not only a powerful tool but also something so simple.

So what are you waiting for? Start converting customers, boost your value, and grow your business with Samcart.

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