Top 10 Mistakes New Online Course Creators Make (and How to Avoid Them)


The online learning revolution is here! With a growing demand for upskilling and flexible learning options, creating an online course can be a fantastic way to share your knowledge and build a successful business.

But the path from passionate idea to polished course isn't always a walk in the park. New course creators often stumble upon common pitfalls that can derail their success.

Fear not, aspiring online educator! This comprehensive guide will unveil the top 10 mistakes you should avoid, equipping you with valuable strategies to launch a thriving online course.

Top Mistakes New Online Course Creators Make

Are you ready to launch your own online course but unsure where to start? Avoid common pitfalls that many new course creators make. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the top mistakes to steer clear of and offer expert advice on creating a successful online course. 

Mistake #1: Missing the Mark on Your Target Audience

know your blogging audience (1)

Challenge: You haven't clearly defined your ideal student. This leads to generic course content that fails to resonate with a specific audience, leaving them feeling like they've enrolled in the wrong course.

Solution: Before diving headfirst into content creation, conduct thorough market research to identify your target audience. Understand their pain points: what specific challenges are they facing? What are their learning goals: what do they hope to achieve by taking your course? What are their preferred learning styles: do they learn best through lectures, videos, or hands-on activities?

Success Story: Marie Forleo, a successful online entrepreneur, built her business around helping creative entrepreneurs turn their passions into profitable businesses. Her course, "B-School," is targeted towards a specific audience – passionate individuals who want to start or grow their creative businesses.

Marie understands her audience's struggles and tailors her course content to address their specific needs, leading to a loyal and engaged student base. Check out Marie Forleo's website:

Create a buyer persona – a detailed profile of your ideal student – to guide your course development and marketing efforts. This persona should include demographics, interests, and challenges to ensure your course resonates with them.

Mistake #2: Skipping the Course Blueprint

Poor Site Structure

Challenge: Your course lacks structure and organization, leading to confused and disengaged learners who struggle to navigate the content and follow the learning path.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive course outline before creating content. This blueprint serves as a roadmap for your course. Define clear learning objectives: what specific knowledge and skills should students acquire by the end? Break down topics into logical modules and digestible lessons. Plan engaging activities and assessments to solidify learning.

Success Story: Amy Porterfield, a social media marketing expert, is known for her well-organized and engaging online courses. Her course, "Digital Course Academy," takes students through a step-by-step process of creating and launching their own online courses. The course is structured with clear modules and lessons, making it easy for students to follow the learning journey. See Amy Porterfield's

Utilize mind maps or flowcharts to visualize your course structure and ensure a logical flow of information. This helps you identify any gaps or redundancies in your content before you invest time in creation.

Mistake #3: Information Avalanche

Challenge: You cram too much information into your course, overwhelming learners and hindering knowledge retention. Students get lost in a sea of details, struggle to grasp key concepts, and ultimately lose motivation.

Solution: Focus on delivering bite-sized, digestible lessons that cater to shorter attention spans. Chunk your content into manageable modules and prioritize key concepts. Incorporate visual aids like infographics, diagrams, and explainer videos to break down complex topics and enhance understanding.

Success Story: Jasprit Singh, founder of "ConvertKit," an email marketing platform, is known for his concise and actionable online courses. His course, "The Creator Economy," focuses on helping creators build sustainable online businesses.

Jasprit avoids information overload by delivering clear, focused lessons that provide students with practical takeaways they can implement immediately. Learn more about Jasprit Singh's course: Convertkit

Implement drip content delivery with a platform like LearnDash. This feature allows you to release course content gradually, preventing learners from feeling overwhelmed and promoting spaced repetition, a learning technique that enhances information retention.

Mistake #4: Engagement on Autopilot

Challenge: Your course lacks interactivity and feels like a one-way street. Learners become bored and disengaged, leading to decreased motivation and higher drop-out rates.

Solution: Make your course interactive and engaging! Move beyond passive lectures and incorporate elements that encourage active participation. Utilize:

  • Quizzes: Test knowledge retention and provide immediate feedback to students.
  • Polls: Gauge student understanding and gather valuable insights to tailor your teaching approach.
  • Discussions: Foster a sense of community by creating forums for students to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  • Interactive exercises: Challenge students to apply concepts through case studies, role-playing activities, or simulations.

Success Story: Noah Kagan, founder of Sumo and AppSumo, is known for his interactive and gamified online courses. His course, "Quick Sprout University," utilizes quizzes, challenges, and live Q&A sessions to keep students engaged and motivated. This approach fosters a sense of community and helps students stay accountable throughout the course. Explore Quick Sprout University

Consider incorporating gamification elements like badges, points, and leaderboards to motivate learners and keep them progressing through the course. These elements leverage the power of healthy competition and achievement, fostering a more engaging learning experience.

Mistake #5: Production on a Shoestring Budget (When It Matters)

Challenge: Your course looks and sounds unprofessional, leading to a negative learning experience for students. Poor audio quality, blurry visuals, and unpolished presentations can leave students feeling like they haven't received the value they paid for.

Solution: When creating online courses, the quality of your audio and video can greatly impact the learning experience. Poor audio or video can be distracting, frustrating, and even off-putting for students. Investing in good-quality equipment can:

  • Enhance engagement: Clear audio and video make it easier for students to focus and stay engaged with the content.
  • Improve understanding: High-quality audio can help students hear subtle nuances and details in lectures or explanations.
  • Build credibility: Professional-quality audio and video can make your course feel more polished and credible.

Transactional Rhythm: While high-quality production is valuable, you don't need a Hollywood budget to get started. Focus on clear audio and visuals that enhance understanding. Many affordable online editing services are available to polish your recordings.

Success Story: Sarah Titus, a social media strategist, is known for her polished and visually appealing online courses. Her course, "The Social Media Vault," features high-quality video lessons, clear audio, and professional graphics. This attention to detail creates a positive learning experience for students and reinforces the value proposition of the course. Learn more about Sarah Titus' course

  • Utilize free screen recording tools like Loom or Screencastify to capture your screen and audio while creating lectures or demonstrations.
  • Invest in good lighting for your filming location. Natural light is ideal, but even a simple ring light can make a big difference.

Mistake #6: Building a Course in Isolation

Online classes interaction

Challenge: Your students feel isolated and unsupported, leading to decreased motivation and a higher chance of abandoning the course. Without interaction and guidance, students may struggle with challenging concepts or lose momentum if they encounter difficulties.

Solution: Foster a sense of community within your course by creating opportunities for interaction and support. Utilize:

  • Discussion forums: Dedicate a space for students to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from each other.
  • Live Q&A sessions: Host regular live sessions where students can interact with you directly and get their questions answered in real-time.
  • Student groups: Create smaller groups within your course platform for peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration.
  • Support channels: Offer prompt and personalized support through email, chat, or a ticketing system so students can get help when they need it.

Success Story: Laura Ikeji, a successful blogger and entrepreneur, is known for her supportive online course communities. Her course, "Luxury Academy," features a private Facebook group where students can connect, network, and receive personalized guidance from Laura and her team. This sense of community fosters accountability and keeps students motivated to achieve their goals. 

Encourage interaction within your course by prompting discussion topics, posing questions, and providing avenues for students to share their progress and challenges.

Mistake #7: Pricing Perplexity

Challenge: You either underprice your course, devaluing your expertise and potentially discouraging serious students, or overprice it, deterring potential enrollees altogether.

Solution: Conduct thorough market research to understand what similar courses are priced at. Consider the following factors when setting your price:

  • Value proposition: What specific benefits and outcomes will students gain from your course?
  • Target audience: What is their budget likely to be?
  • Course production costs: Factor in the time, resources, and tools invested in creating the course.

Success Story: Ryan Levesque, a marketing consultant, is known for his strategic pricing strategies for online courses. His course, "Ask Method Mastery," offers a basic package with core content and a premium package that includes additional resources and coaching calls. This tiered approach allows students to choose the level of support and investment that aligns with their needs and budget. Learn more about Ryan Levesque's course

Offer tiered pricing options with varying levels of access and bonus materials to cater to different budgets and learning needs. This allows you to reach a wider audience while still providing value at different price points.

Must Read >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Three Pronged Pricing Technique

Mistake #8: Marketing Myopia

The Power Of Content Marketing In The Era Of Short Attention Spans

Challenge: You neglect to effectively market your course, leading to low visibility and a lack of student enrollment. Building a successful online course is only half the battle; attracting students requires a strategic marketing approach.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to reach your target audience before, during, and after your course launch. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Content marketing: Create valuable blog posts, social media content, or videos related to your course topic to attract potential students and establish yourself as an expert.
  • Email marketing: Build an email list and nurture leads with valuable content and promotions to drive course enrollment.
  • Paid advertising: Consider utilizing targeted advertising options on social media platforms or search engines to reach your ideal student demographic.

Success Story: Melyssa Griffin, a social media strategist, is known for her effective course marketing strategies. She uses a combination of content marketing, email marketing, and social media promotion to reach her target audience for her course, "The Membership Accelerator." This multi-pronged approach helps Melyssa generate consistent interest and enrollment in her course. See more about Melyssa Griffin's course

Leverage the power of social media to showcase your course content, share student testimonials, and engage with your target audience.

Mistake #9: Underestimating the Power of Customer Support

customer service is the key

Challenge: You neglect to provide adequate customer support, leading to frustration and a negative experience for students who encounter technical difficulties or have questions about the course content.

Solution: Prioritize excellent customer support to ensure a smooth learning experience for your students. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Establish clear communication channels: Offer multiple ways for students to reach you, such as email, live chat, or a ticketing system. Ensure timely and responsive communication to address student inquiries.

  • Develop a comprehensive FAQ section: Anticipate common student questions and create a detailed FAQ section within your course platform or website to provide easy access to answers.

  • Offer clear instructions and troubleshooting guides: Provide clear instructions for accessing course materials, using the learning platform, and troubleshooting any technical issues.

Success Story: Kajabi, a popular online course platform, is known for its excellent customer support. They offer extensive documentation, video tutorials, and a responsive support team to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter while using their platform.

While Kajabi itself is not a course creation tool, it highlights the importance of prioritizing customer support for a successful online course business. Learn more about Kajabi

Consider offering a bonus module or resource dedicated to frequently asked questions or troubleshooting common technical difficulties.

Mistake #10: Neglecting the Importance of Continuous Learning

comfortable place to write

Challenge: You fail to keep your course content and knowledge base updated, leading to outdated information and a decline in student value perception. The online learning landscape is constantly evolving, and neglecting to stay current can quickly render your course irrelevant.

Solution: Commit to continuous learning and course improvement. Here are some ways to ensure your course remains valuable over time:

  • Gather student feedback: Regularly solicit feedback from students to identify areas for improvement and discover knowledge gaps they may have encountered.
  • Stay updated on industry trends: Actively research new developments, tools, and best practices within your field to integrate relevant information into your course content.
  • Offer bonus content updates: Provide supplementary materials, case studies, or industry updates on a regular basis to demonstrate that your course stays current with evolving trends.

Tip: Consider offering a subscription model for your course, where students receive ongoing updates and bonus content throughout the year. This incentivizes them to enroll and ensures they have access to the latest information in your field.

Success Story: Social Media Examiner, a leading online resource for social media marketing, is known for its commitment to keeping its content and courses updated. Their team actively researches new trends, tools, and algorithms to ensure their courses provide students with the most current social media marketing strategies. Explore Social Media Examiner's courses.

There you have it! By avoiding these pitfalls and implementing the strategies outlined above, you'll be well on your way to launching a thriving online course and sharing your knowledge with the world. Remember, creating a successful online course requires dedication, planning, and a commitment to providing exceptional value to your students.

Bonus Tip: Utilize a Learning Management System (LMS) like LearnDash to streamline course creation, delivery, and student management. LearnDash offers powerful features that can help you address many of the challenges mentioned above, including drip content, course prerequisites, discussion forums, and tiered pricing options. Explore LearnDash and its functionalities to see how it can empower your online course creation journey. 

5 Bonus Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Your Online Course:

Mentor in Copywriting (1) (1) (1)

Here are 5 additional pitfalls to steer clear of as you embark on your online course creation journey:

1. Neglecting Legal Considerations:

  • Challenge: You overlook copyright issues, intellectual property rights, or terms of service, potentially leading to legal complications down the line.

  • Solution: Familiarize yourself with copyright laws and obtain necessary licenses for any third-party content you use within your course. Clearly outline your terms of service and course access policies to protect yourself and your students.

2. Overlooking Accessibility:

  • Challenge: Your course lacks accessibility features, excluding potential students with disabilities and hindering inclusivity.

  • Solution: Utilize closed captions for video lectures, provide text transcripts for audio content, and ensure your course platform offers features that cater to diverse learning needs.

3. Ignoring Mobile Optimization:

  • Challenge: Your course is not optimized for mobile devices, creating a frustrating learning experience for students who access content on their smartphones or tablets.

  • Solution: Choose a learning management system (LMS) that offers a responsive design, ensuring your course adapts seamlessly across different screen sizes and devices.

4. Failing to Build Anticipation:

  • Challenge: You launch your course without any pre-launch marketing or hype, leading to a low initial enrollment and a lack of momentum.

  • Solution: Create a pre-launch strategy to build excitement and anticipation for your course. Utilize social media teasers, early-bird discounts, or free webinars to generate interest and attract potential students.

5. Underestimating the Power of Storytelling:

  • Challenge: Your course content lacks engaging storytelling elements, making it dry and difficult for students to retain information.

  • Solution: Incorporate storytelling techniques like real-world examples, case studies, or personal anecdotes into your lessons. This helps students connect with the content on a deeper level and enhances knowledge retention.

This blog post has equipped you with the knowledge to avoid common pitfalls and create a valuable online course. But launching a course is just the first step. To build a sustainable online course business, here are some additional considerations:

Building Relationships and Community: 

  • Nurture student relationships: Don't let the connection end after course completion. Offer ongoing support, exclusive content, or alumni communities to keep students engaged.
  • Host webinars or workshops: Provide additional learning opportunities and establish yourself as a continuous source of knowledge in your niche.
  • Encourage student interaction: Foster a sense of community through forums, group projects, or social media interaction to boost engagement and loyalty.

Continuously Improve and Update Your Course:

  • Gather student feedback: Regularly solicit feedback through surveys or polls to identify areas for improvement and ensure your course remains relevant.

  • Stay updated on industry trends: Integrate new information and adapt your course content to keep pace with evolving industry standards and student needs.

  • Offer bonus content and updates: Provide supplementary materials, case studies, or industry updates to enhance the value proposition of your course over time.

Explore Revenue Diversification:

  • Offer additional services: Consider offering one-on-one coaching, consulting services, or mastermind groups to complement your course and cater to students seeking more personalized guidance.

  • Create supplementary resources: Develop ebooks, templates, or cheat sheets related to your course topic and offer them for purchase as additional resources.

  • Run evergreen webinars: Host automated or pre-recorded webinars on specific topics within your niche to generate passive income and attract new students.

Leverage Automation Tools:

  • Utilize email marketing automation: Streamline communication with students by automating welcome sequences, progress notifications, and promotional emails.

  • Explore course delivery automation: Platforms like LearnDash allow you to automate course delivery with drip content features, reducing manual workload and ensuring a smooth learning experience for students.

  • Implement social media scheduling tools: Schedule social media posts promoting your course in advance, saving you time and ensuring consistent brand messaging.

Embrace Continuous Learning:

  • Stay updated on the latest online course creation trends: Explore new technologies, teaching methodologies, and marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Connect with other online course creators: Network with fellow course creators, share experiences, and learn from each other's successes and challenges.

  • Invest in your own professional development: Continuously learn and develop your expertise in your chosen field to provide even greater value to your students.

Sum up

By implementing these additional strategies and fostering a long-term vision for your online course business, you can create a sustainable source of income, build a loyal student base, and establish yourself as a leading authority in your niche.

Remember, the online learning landscape is constantly evolving. Embrace continuous learning, adapt your approach, and keep delivering exceptional value to your students. With dedication and a commitment to excellence, you can turn your online course creation journey into a thriving and fulfilling business.

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