A Real Issue Marketing Agencies Face: Managing Multiple Social Media Accounts


Social media has become a right of passage for businesses in nearly every industry. However, the popularity of social media has made its existence a double-edged sword.

While social media has provided a way for companies to interact directly with their customers, its popularity has made social media a must-have for nearly every business-whether they want it or not.

Some businesses are not equipped to handle social media needs. But, having at least one social profile has become a badge of legitimacy for most industries. To build a social profile, businesses are starting to turn to marketing professionals for social media management services.

When compared with other pertinent social media accounts, Instagram is a platform that offers a high degree of engagement. This leads Instagram to be one of the most effective platforms for businesses looking to keep in contact with their customers.

However, when marketing agencies offer social media management services, platforms such as Instagram oftentimes ban accounts that are accessed from the same IP address.

This causes difficulty for an agency to manage the social media accounts for multiple businesses at once. As a result, agencies must find a way to avoid their clients’ accounts from being banned while still managing their accounts from a single location,

So, what can marketing agencies do to manage the social media accounts of multiple businesses without any of the accounts getting banned for access from the same IP address? This is where social media proxies come in.

Social Media Proxies

Social media proxies are private proxy servers. When compared to other private proxies, social media proxies have never been utilized in the past to link users to social media sites.

Because of this, their history is devoid of any problems. As a result, marketers can purchase them risk-free and leverage them to connect profiles to their chosen social media platform securely.

Even though they get referred to as proxies for social media, these particular proxies are private proxies that have been set up specifically for use with certain social networks.

This gives customers the option of purchasing proxies for Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Marketers have peace of mind from knowing they will acquire fresh proxies for the web service they will use to establish and manage customer accounts.

Why use Social Media Proxies?

Social media proxies are used in the development of initiatives and the expansion of audience size. Creating a content network infrastructure in the guise of an information silo network typically requires the utilization of these proxies.

Marketers can employ social media proxies to handle several social media profiles that connect with a single primary account and kick off a domino effect of increased interaction.

It is not a good idea to manage many social media accounts using a single network or IP address as it can result in a ban. Therefore, advertising companies and agencies buy private proxies to secure customers and ban each account.

Instagram Proxy

Proxies are extremely beneficial because they allow agencies to manage company social media accounts, freeing up more business time to focus on business growth.

Instagram proxies allow marketing companies to set up profiles for each of their clients, enabling them to develop their brand presence across social media platforms.

Marketing agencies need a proxy for Instagram to prevent getting banned from the platform because Instagram turns its back on users maintaining more than three or four profiles each.

The IP address will be replaced with the proxy server's address whenever one utilizes a proxy system. However, this does not imply that all proxies have the same integrity.

Proxies must provide an IP address that Instagram views as trustworthy which means its location should be near where the business says it is located. Proxy servers that seem to mimic the IP addresses of regular online consumers are the most effective kinds of servers for marketing agencies to employ.

Platforms like Instagram often look for the users' IP addresses in databases containing details on their internet service providers. Only true residential proxies get this data. Thus one ought to only use residential proxies for Instagram.

Any competent user of Instagram knows that using location tags is the best way to increase exposure and interaction among the audience one is trying to reach.

Companies must also use proxies tied to a certain area to achieve more accurate geographic localization. A reliable proxy network will allow companies to target users across all their accounts in various cities and countries.

Why Implement Instagram Proxy?

Marketing agencies can use an Instagram proxy as an effective way to manage multiple Instagram accounts without the accounts getting banned. It also opens up the agency to offer localized posts with geographic tags in multiple cities for national brands.

Advantages of Using Instagram Proxies

Using Instagram proxies comes with three key advantages for marketing agencies:

1.Taking into Account the Needs of Various Clientele

One of the most compelling arguments in favor of several Instagram accounts for a corporation is that it enables the company to interact with a diverse range of customers based in various geographic places.

Since the firm will be catering to a greater number of leads, not only will the brand's effort in global countries increase, but they will also be better able to meet the needs of the target market no matter where they may get located.

As a result, the chances of converting leads into customers will also increase.

2. Improve How Companies Sell Products

When businesses sell more than one product through their Instagram page, the customers will likely become perplexed.

As a result, marketers must create separate accounts for each product. This feature will enable the company to promote more of their goods for sale and ensure that the customers clearly understand what each product is supposed to be.

Moreover, companies have the potential to increase their earnings with adverts for that product, and prospective customers will get an easier time exploring and comprehending each of the product's characteristics. It is much simpler to approach potential customers interested in the offer and sell them in a shorter amount of time.

3. Personalize the Content Presented to the Audience

There are differences among each of the potential customers. Because each of them is unique in their likes, tastes, and selections, their requirements will also be distinct.

Businesses, as a brand, can display different aspects of the organization to prospects to earn their trust and lure them into discovering more about the services and goods the firm offers with the assistance of several Instagram profiles.

Managing Multiple Instagram Accounts with Instagram Proxies

In the present day and age, cyberattacks have become a common issue. They are being carried out to obtain personal information, utilize data for improper purposes, and much more.

As the number of crimes committed online continues to rise, businesses that have an online presence face an increasingly urgent need to take precautions to protect their customers' personal information.

Instagram determines that one is not a human but more of a bot when many activities get completed using the same IP address.

As a result, Instagram blocks the account. If a business makes numerous accounts with the assistance of proxy servers, there is a decreased likelihood that the proxy accounts will be closed.

Firms can now create many profiles on Instagram using multiple proxies. Thus, Instagram will see a different IP address associated with the activities carried out from such accounts. It will appear that the profiles are getting controlled from several different locations when only one operates it.

Because the IP address is not displayed, businesses can make as many accounts as they need without worrying about getting caught. Only the IP address now being shown by the proxy will be displayed.

The most beneficial aspect of servers of this type is that:

  • It eliminates the possibility of any obstacles interfering with online operations.
  • It enables businesses to carry out digital tasks in an efficient manner.
  • It provides a higher level of protection for personal identity.
  • It is a strategy that involves no danger when regularly engaging in activities online.

Businesses must ensure that the following components get included to pick the best proxy servers.

  • Invest in a private proxy since the performance of the proxy server is faster as a focused user is utilizing it.
  • Obtain a paid proxy server as an investment.
  • Engage in a proxy server that can handle a huge volume of traffic on the internet.
  • Invest in a proxy server that provides the business with a fair number of proxies to meet the company's requirements.

Things You Can Avoid When Managing Social Media Accounts 

Here are a few things you can avoid as a marketing agency when managing social media accounts, so your time is spent more on minimizing workload and creating quality content. 

Avoid Wasting Time and Automate Your Work

You may spend hours on your social media websites when posting the work, but a better way to make your time even more fruitful is to schedule your posts in advance for automatic posting.

The time spent disruptively can now be spent working on other projects for different clients. You can now find different applications that allow schedule posting or bulk upload with up to 350 uploads simultaneously. 

Avoid Posting at Odd Hours and Instead Post at the Right Time 

The best time to post on social media accounts is when your followers are most active. In other words, posting at the right time can help you get the best analytics.

You can either post during the day or at night. If you choose to post during the day, you might want to be careful because many people will not be active on social media during the day, which means they might not see your posts until later in the evening. 

However, if you choose to post at night, more people will be active on social media, and it will be easier for them to see your posts and like them or comment on them.

This can be pretty helpful for all your clients because better timing will bring more activity and better analytics. It will come down to better projects in the future. 

Recognize Your Audience to Bring Better Returns 

Knowing your target audience when managing social media accounts is essential because it helps you understand what they are interested in and what they are not. It will help you identify trends that can be used to inform your marketing strategy.

As a result, you will be able to tailor your posts to the specific needs of your target audience. This way, you are more likely to engage them with your content and eventually convert them into customers.

Avoid Liking and Appoint Sometime for Engaging Properly

As soon as you post your content, avoid just dropping a like or scrolling through comments at that time. Instead, appoint a proper time to engage with your viewers.

One of the most critical factors contributing to building and maintaining a social media platform is engaging with your followers. Do not forget to make this part of your schedule where you respond to DMs, comments, and drop likes for all those who appreciate and check all your mentions.

This will help create a positive image, and good image building is what you need to increase followers on all the social media accounts you are managing. 

Avoid Going Through the Trouble and Get Smarter With Tools

Social media tools aren’t limited; instead, you have so many other options to go through to make your experience even better. Social tools allow customer support, help manage projects, video editing, and image editing and make your lives easier.

Many tools allow users to manage their social media accounts effectively and efficiently. Some of these tools are free, while others require payment. The most popular tools are Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social.

Hootsuite and Buffer are two of the most popular social media management tools. They help manage social media accounts through a dashboard where you can respond to messages, schedule posts, view analytics, and more.

Buffer is a great tool for individuals who want to manage their social media accounts. Hootsuite is a good option for those with multiple employees who need to manage their company’s social media accounts.


A more solid basis is required to successfully manage several Instagram accounts, which you may customize for the specific requirements of a business.

Using a proxy server, especially Instagram proxies is a fantastic method for efficiently managing several Instagram accounts to obtain a bigger audience and get better leads and sales.

Even though there are constraints on what organizations may accomplish with proxies, using an Instagram proxy continues to be the best option for them.

Further Readings : 

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