A blog is a website where you can learn about different topics and share what you know. If you're asking on how to come up with a blog name, try reading this post until the end.
It goes without saying that having a catchy blog name can be the difference between your content getting noticed and being ignored altogether.
Even after putting in the effort to create compelling content, you might struggle to attract the right traffic because of a blog name that seems relatively unassuming. So, be mindful of this when coming up with a name for your blog.
If the name of your blog does not seem right, then all the efforts you put into creating a compelling post will go down the drain.
Of course, formulating catchy blog names demands a fair bit of research as well as brainstorming.
This might even become a sort of stumbling block for you but the important thing is that you should not settle for something less than impressive because of it.
If you want a blog name that is attractive, meaningful, and creative, then you will need to spend some time deliberating over it.
The most effective names stand out for a number of reasons.
Besides being catchy and compelling, they also provide the reader with a good idea about the type of content that will be available there.
In this regard, you may often feel overwhelmed thinking that all the good and unique blog names have already been taken.
However, that is just a figment of the imagination. Of course, no good thing ever comes easy. Same is the case with a compelling blog name that will attract the right traffic.
You will not be coming up with one in 30 seconds. Some time and effort will have to be put into creating one.
Importance of a Creative Blog Name
Every time a user comes across any of your blog posts in a Google search result (or targeted social media advertisement), the name of the blog will be the first thing they will notice.
This carries even more weight than the title of an individual post. It will be the ultimate deciding factor between them clicking on the link and scrolling past it without a second thought.
In this piece, we have put together a list of tips that will help you generate brilliant blog names that will make the users sit up and take notice.
Read on to learn more about how you can improve the quality of your Blog names. You will also find some useful blog name ideas in there.
Tips to Help You Choose a Better Blog Name
1. Don’t Rush

This is the first and foremost requirement of coming up with a good name. After all, it is something that will stick for the long term.
So, you need to make sure that the chosen name is one that connects well both with what you are doing and what your target audience are looking for.
If you take a look at the most creative blog names examples, you will be able to tell the measured thought process and deliberation that must have gone into coming up with that particular name.
Take your time and come up with a name that will be perfect for your blog and will have the potential to become a de facto brand name for your business.
2. Incorporate Your Niche in the Name
Ideally, the name of your blog should be a reflection of what the content posted there is going to be about.
This would be like a vision for your blog. While you are researching and brainstorming, keep it general and consider the most basic niche in which you will be operating.
After that, consider the most popular keywords that are related to that niche and try to structure your name around them.
For example, if you are going to blog in the health and fitness domain, then try to incorporate words like “strong” or “fit” within your chosen blog name.
3. Keep It Short, Catchy, and Unique to Ignite the Reader’s Curiosity

Curiosity is something that always works. To come up with a catchy name, try to ignite the reader’s curiosity.
In the end, you want the users to be able to find you easily online and a short and catchy title will definitely help in that regard.
Also, the shorter name will be easier to remember for the readers as compared to a long and boring one.
This is also how you will be able to set your blog apart from the rest.
A name that is unique, compelling, and attractive will stick in everyone’s mind and you will be able to engage with your readers in a better way as a result.
There are automated blog name generating websites available that can help you come up with relevant names having these qualities.
However, choosing the right keyword for the purpose of generating an attractive name is your own responsibility. These tools can help you and provide good suggestions.
But ultimately you have to come up with a name that has the most relevance and suitability.
Read Also: 20 Best Keyword Research Tools (Free and Premium)
4. Specify Your Target Audience
Being absolutely clear about your target audience is vital in coming up with the right name.
This is the group that you will be creating all the content for and knowing them well enough is important.
Once you are clear on who you will be writing for, coming up with a worthy blog name becomes that much easier.
5. Competitor Analysis
Taking a close look at the blog names of your competitors and consider the things that those names are trying to convey.
Also, think about their length and how they sound on the whole.
Take some inspiration from these names and apply the ideas in your own brainstorming sessions to come up with high-quality names.
6. Adding Value for the Reader
Coming up with blog names that seem to add some value into the life of a reader is another useful approach.
When a reader comes across such a name, they will want to click through and read the stuff available.
In this way, they can learn something new which will help them in their own lives.
7. Research Synonyms and Similar Words
Carefully think about the different keywords and topics that you will be writing about on your blog.
Then do some research on their synonyms and words that are closely related to them. Incorporate these newly generated words into your blog name and see if they sound any good.
This is often a good way to add an element of uniqueness to your blog.
8. The Tone of Your Blog
Give lots of thought to the kind of voice and tone the content on your blog should have. This should also be reflected in the name.
The tone and attitude that you go for can be anything. It might be warm, nostalgic, funny, sarcastic, or serious.
Your chosen blog name can do a good job of letting the reader know what kind of content awaits them on the platform.
9. Using a Blog Name Generator
This might seem like a shortcut to coming up with a name for your blog.
However, a blog name generator like Nameboy blog name generator is just a helping tool, albeit a great one if you know how to use it in the right manner. That is the key.
You can find many blog name examples that are the result of thorough research and effective use of a name generator.
Moreover, even if you decide not to go with a name suggested by a name-generating website, you can still get lots of ideas and inspiration from there.
10. Blog Domain and Domain name
Think of how your chosen blog name will look as a domain name. That is, how will it appear as part of a URL in a search bar? Keep an eye out for any possible issues that might arise from this.
Some ambiguity may be caused because of your chosen name if it can be read or interpreted in more ways than one.
Make sure you come up with a name that does not create these problems for you.
Shopify.com or Tasty are great example.

11.Confirm Domain Availability
Once you have chosen a name, make sure that it is not taken already and check its availability.
There are different domain-purchasing websites available for this.
If it so happens that your chosen name has already been taken by someone else before you, then you will have to come up with a new one unfortunately.
12. Make Sure No One Else Has Trademarked Your Chosen Name
If you coincidentally come up with a name that has already been taken and trademarked by someone else, then it might create legal hurdles for you.
This is particularly going to be the case if your blog starts making money. So, make sure that your chosen name does not come with any strings attached.
13. Writing Like a Pro
Everyone wants to be known as an expert in their relevant field.
This is true of writing, SEO, social media marketing, and everything else. In order to be an expert, they will need to acquire relevant knowledge and read about the latest developments in their chosen field.
For that, you need to create content that will provide useful information and learning tips to the readers. And having the right blog name is the first step when looking to bring more users to read your stuff.
Related: Free SEO E-book : "DO IT! SEO FOR BLOGGERS For Beginners
14. A blog with your own name
If your blog is meant to develop your personal branding, naming it after your own name is a good idea.
For example, famous marketer Neil Patel has built a real brand around his name, and his blog is not for nothing.

However, carefully weigh the pros and cons before opting for this solution:
First, you need to be sure you want to publicly expose your name; In addition, your name will be irrevocably associated with the content of your blog: for example, if your blog is about gardening, then the gardener's image will stick to your skin.
15. Which domain name extension to pick?
Domain name extensions are the last letters of blog names.
When choosing your blog name, there are several extensions to choose from:
According to a classification of domain names by extension, ".com" sites are by far the most numerous in the world. The .ru “.net”, “.org”, and “.info” come next.
The ".com" extension is the most common and the easiest to remember. This is why a ".com" domain name costs more than others. If you can register a ".com", that's great.
If your audience is mainly national, you can opt for a .ae“.us”, “.fr” or “.ch”. If your audience is European, a “.eu” is more relevant.
If the blog name you have chosen is already taken (example: emarketinghacks.com), it is better to pick a completely different domain name.
It is not recommended to use the same name with another extension (example: emarketinghacks.us ).
16. What If Your Current Name Is Poor ?
End Note
In a nutshell, a catchy and compelling blog name is vital for your content marketing efforts to be successful.
A name that is well thought out and expertly crafted will deliver the right message and hook the reader enough to make them click.
That will make all the difference between the success and failure of your digital marketing efforts.
To take the next step, you can check out our guide on how to start a profitable blog.
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