16 common newsletter mistakes Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Campaign


Whether you're marketing a product or service, it's important to create a newsletter that your audience will want to read. Here are the 16 most common mistakes business owners make when creating their newsletter.

The email appears to have held a spot among the leading three most powerful information sources for a significant time, with a mean ROI of 3,800% and 3.7 billion registered users. 

What a fantastic news for digital marketers! 

However, here's the issue:

In a majority of corporate organizations, email newsletters are still a crucial part of the marketing plan, thus the struggle for client involvement is fierce. 

In email campaigns, there is a great deal of competition, and it's simple to get buried in the trends, guidelines, and trials. Marketers still fall victim to the most frequent errors despite efforts to develop and deploy the most efficient email strategies.

When it comes to email marketing, we believe in experimenting with various newsletter tactics to determine which ones can prove to be effective for your subscriber base.

For instance, you can test out new designs for your monthly newsletters or read what other email marketing professionals are publishing in order to get ideas.

16 common newsletter mistakes Mistakes to Avoid 

An email newsletter can experience a wide range of problems, as we have tested (and seen) over the years.The following are some of the greatest email newsletter blunders you should avoid to save you time.

You'll discover 16 of the prevalent email newsletter mistakes in our post and discover how to minimize them for higher open rates, interaction, and conversions.

Utilizing stale mailing lists

As you are aware, mail providers have standards for the caliber of mailing lists. The largest amount of returns and grievances is also restricted.

If you are not using your email list, several newsletters from full or long-empty mailboxes will eventually show up there. The outcome? If you go beyond those restrictions, your newsletter will be blocked.

Now what? Using mailing list analysis, use email verification services. They aid in the removal of invalid or dubious addresses. By doing this, you'll maintain credibility and boost the effectiveness of your newsletter campaigns. 

Another approach is to steadily expand your customer database. First, compile a list of new contacts who have signed up for the past three months' worth of newsletters.

Remove "bad" references from your registry based on statistical data. Send the subsequent newsletter after adding the outdated addresses (approximately 15% of the entire newsgroup) to the freshly polished ones.

Keep doing this. With the aid of this algorithm, you may minimize the damage and prevent the providers' dreaded abrupt increase in email activities. This strategy is also an important step in the list of tips on how to increase newsletter signups.

Transmitting erroneous messages

Only if they have anything to say, 33% of marketing professionals send out newsletters.

It's a serious error that will cause customers annoyance and unsubscription. Just consider: you signed up for a newsletter someday, but you never received any communication in your mailbox.

Unexpectedly, an email advertising a product arrives. Most probably, you completely forgot about that membership. As a result, you reach your breaking point and select "spam," which has no positive effects on the newsletter statistics.

How can you do it correctly? Working with your mailing lists from the beginning, even if they just contain two contacts, would be a perfect idea.

Send a minimum of one email each month! Try your best to restart the list if there were any pauses. Promote your newsletter to subscribers by offering them something intriguing. You can check out the example below from Pinkberry:

Emailing pointless messages

The most typical error made by marketing professionals is the creation of newsletters, which are useless to subscribers.

They speak about a business or a product while disregarding client needs and focusing solely on selling. The emails feature a product, yet effective marketing campaigns do not operate that way.

Now what? Understand your target audience, then adopt their perspective. Learn about their apprehensions, skepticism, and preconceptions regarding your product. Choose how you will disprove them in emails.

Talk about a time when using your item was beneficial, not about the product itself. Think carefully about the style and language you use, and avoid copying work from rivals. Make sure your emails are interesting and helpful enough for recipients to be motivated to forward them to their contacts.

Lacking a crystal-clear CTA

Your information needs a CTA (call to action). This remains unchanged whether you're discussing a blog entry, an email message, or a website.

If you don't include a CTA your viewers will have to guess what you need the readers to do. There's no doubt that your customers are intelligent, however this is demanding a lot from them.

Therefore, have a clear idea of what you want your email to do before you begin to write it.

What result are you hoping for?

Do you wish to advertise some writing you've done?

Would you like to alert the reader to a new product release or occasion?

Do you intend to sell something?

To direct your customers to this result, concentrate on your email's content, graphics, and layout. Ensure your email's CTA is then crystal clear, and alluring, and directs the recipient to the result you want to accomplish when you send it. So what constitutes a strong CTA? Here are some recommendations:

Keep your CTA simple to locate

Don't hide your email's CTA. Employ bold text, vibrant colors, or big buttons. To make it stand out from the remainder of your message, place it conspicuously on display.

Use the appropriate CTA

Words have power. If the CTA is dull or ambiguous, readers might just ignore it. Use verbs of action, such as "learn more" or "purchase now." Use haste. Encourage inquiry.

Avoid confusing the message

There is such a thing as having an excessive amount of great things in life. Your content may become jumbled if you include several CTAs in one email. Readers won't take the steps you expected them to; they'll do nothing at all.

Reiterate the point

Repeat your CTA more than once if necessary. You want to make it as simple as feasible for your customer to visit your website or goods right from the message. The reader has more chances to perceive and respond to the CTA when it is repeated several times.

Note: Sometimes, many CTAs are crammed into newsletters by some marketers, such as "Go to the website," "Subscribe," "Order," "Leave your feedback," etc. 

People become overwhelmed by these never-ending sources of knowledge and are unsure of where to begin. Your newsletter campaign thus loses effectiveness. Furthermore, you can't measure it because you have to look at a variety of measures and data.

How to execute properly? Make sure your subscribers know exactly what you expect from them. Make sure you've provided all the information required for that.

One email with a single CTA is the greatest approach in certain cases, as it will increase conversions, and in others, you may need to use them more than once for enhanced impact.

Lack of proper segmentation

Good news thus far, Here's the error that writers and marketers make the most frequently: A lack of segmentation. According to statistics, segmented emails generate 18 times more money and receive 14.64% more views and 59.99% more hits.

Avoiding segmenting your email list is a significant mistake because recipients of irrelevant material are more inclined to cancel or designate it as spam.

It seems sensible that for a major chunk of advertisers, default segmentation remains the top focus. It's the same with customization. It's not an option in 2023. It's essential! How can you do it correctly?

Choose the data you'll need to break your audience into its essential divisions. Conduct a behavioral categorization if you have no other information about them besides their emails. 

Consequently, RFM (recency, frequency, and monetary) analysis can be useful. Connect with each group independently; for example, make a special deal to "productive" or "ready to sleep" consumers, or seek input from "trusted" ones. Contextual analysis-based newsletters are now more effective than generic ones.

Marketers report a 760% increase in email revenue from personalizing and segmenting email campaigns. - Campaign Monitor

Inaccurate personalization

personalized emails

When you rush or skip checking labels, your newsletter suffers as a result. Or you neglect to verify the names of subscribers to your magazine use.

They occasionally make typographical errors, scribble gibberish like "bdefrtd," or make jokes. And the reverse outcome will occur if you utilize such identities in an effort to win over customers' loyalty.

Now what? Before emailing, double-check all sections (names, tags, and default settings). Then, conduct an A/B test to see whether using the customers' names affects conversion.

Using their names in communications may not have the same good effect it once had because people are aware that personalization is produced instantly by tagging. Who knows, perhaps the effort is not worth it.

Absence of a systematic structure

Poor Site Structure

Customers cannot receive emails anytime they wish or have leisure. Poor efficiency and open rates as well as a significant number of "Unsubscribe me from this list" clicks will be the outcomes.

How to execute correctly?

Put your newsletter in a system. Plan out the next few months and choose the best days and times to send emails. The frequency will rely on your target audience and your marketing plan.

Again, unstructured newsletters can also lead to deceiving subscribers. And the worst thing possible you could do to customers is this. Let's imagine that despite your membership form's claim, you failed to provide newcomers with discount coupons.

Or a subscriber signs up to receive educational materials, but you offer them commercial communications instead. Or perhaps you made a weekly writing commitment but kept sending daily emails.

It results in a negative reaction. Now what? Do as you say. Less promised, more provided. That's what encourages people to believe in your company and become brand evangelists.

Disregarding preheaders, body text, and subject lines

The content that follows your newsletter's subject is called a preheader. Although it presents another excellent opportunity to capture readers' attention and compel them to respond, some marketers choose to disregard it.

Add an HTML tag to your newsletter's body to include a concealed preheader that recipients will see.

How to fill out preheaders?

  • Encapsulate the message

  • Hook with a purpose

  • Make a suggestion for action

Your newsletter's subject line should be eye-catching for historical promotional purposes. Some professionals employ this tactic mindlessly in their attempt to achieve a boost in open rates.

Users are let down when they get a message and discover that the subject and body do not correspond. If they feel the email is being used against them, they will label it as trash and unsubscribe.

They won't rely on your business any longer, which is even worse. How can you do it correctly? An art form is headline writing.

While encouraging subscribers to read your emails is acceptable, disappointing them with unrelated material will be detrimental to the campaign's success as a whole. Make sure the information you provide to consumers is appropriate to the subject lines you choose.

Ignoring feedback

Ask For Feedback After Every Call

Continue sending email messages from the mailbox that nobody ever reads or from the "no-reply" or "admin" address. It serves as a warning to customers that your business is unwilling to interact.

Inboxes are not what people want to communicate with. In your emails, request feedback, mention additional communication avenues, and describe your support staff. By giving them a chance to find answers to their inquiries, you increase their likelihood of becoming your clients.

Fear of experimentation

Due to the lack of risk-taking on the part of most brands, innovative newsletters are still uncommon today. Users' inboxes are flooded with identical sales emails, making it impossible for them to devote any time to them all. How do they behave? They stop subscribing.

Things to do: 

  • Analyze rivals and flip the situation upside down.

  • Watch best practices, but don't blindly imitate them.

  • Consider enticing information you may include in your own newsletters. What draws subscribers? How do you write? Your voice modulation? Another thing?

The following is the Uber example that HubSpot provided:

Launching without testing

Being included in spam, having an improper layout, and having HTML mistakes are all effects of inadequate testing. Writing an email involves numerous guidelines and subtleties. For instance, if you turn it into an image, this is what happens:

  • Because mobile versions don't optimize photos, adaptability is lost.

  • If a subscriber's email settings forbid the display of external photos, they won't be visible to them.

The likelihood of being rejected by spam filters is significant and a majority of recipients know the process of blocking unwanted emails.

In addition, refrain from using link shorteners, word stoppers, caps, Javascript, and excessive exclamation marks. The most efficient way to see whether you've done it correctly is to sample a mail before releasing it because it's difficult to recall them all.

How? Utilize a testing mailing list to send to your mailbox at several providers. Try to put yourself in the subscribers' shoes while estimating the outcome with skepticism.How compelling is an email? Don't be hesitant to make it better by editing and revising.

test ads for your dropshipping product

Undoubtedly, even a seasoned email marketer might forget or overlook something. But as the saying goes, the winner is the one who makes fewer mistakes overall.

It takes a lot of work for a marketer to create a good email newsletter. Considerations include substance, style, sending frequency, and subscription lists.

After completing all of that work, you must test the design to ensure that your code didn't break during the process. Obviously, there are crucial indicators to monitor after you issue the newsletter.

Since newsletters frequently have substantial amounts of text and design, rendering issues are more likely to occur.

By ensuring that your newsletter appears great across the most widely used email clients and devices, you can increase email interaction and can save yourself effort and embarrassment. 

Distributing a newsletter merely for the purpose of doing so

Do you truly require a newsletter before you invest hours creating it and producing the material? Are you creating content that subscribers would find valuable?

Users have a lower likelihood to engage with your newsletter if it contains no relevant information, and they may even hit the dreadful "unsubscribe" option.

We do not wish to deter you too much, though. Evaluate your send regularity as well as your newsletter's deserving content. A quarterly or monthly distribution might be more substantial than a weekly newsletter if you lack sufficient content for it.

Overwhelming your audience

Truth be told, you shouldn't include too much material overall, let alone too much promotional content. You run the danger of losing your subscribers' interest or burying a crucial CTA if you bombard them with too many tales or lengthy text blocks.

With your newsletter photos, you ought to maintain the same "less is more" philosophy. It's simpler to read and absorb newsletters that are streamlined and have a few striking visuals.

Finding the ideal balance of informative content and CTAs, which can convert users, is crucial when creating newsletters. Avoid the error of overstuffing your mailings with promotions and product features.

Rather, ensure that the content in your email is useful and insightful. Additionally, demonstrating your knowledge and thought leadership might promote conversions.

Hiding your CTA or most crucial material

In content creation and marketing, "burying the lede" is a term that many of us are familiar with.

This adage, one of the cornerstones of newspaper writing, denotes that the key information shouldn't be included at the end of the article. Don't put your most captivating tale or strong CTA at the conclusion of newsletters.

There's no assurance a user will browse through your whole email and to the bottom, so you can't conclude they'll read "below the fold" (to use a phrase from a newspaper). Early on in the email, you'll get a greater shot at engaging them.

Adopting a universal strategy

Instead of delivering the same newsletter to every subscriber, use dynamic content to tailor your emails.

To serve up information and CTAs that specifically target individual subscribers, dynamic content makes use of subscriber data and behavior. After all, an interesting email is one that is pertinent.

For instance, you can incorporate a module into your email that provides subscribers who aren't yet clients with a compelling CTA or value call-out.

You can replace the CTA with a module that includes tools to help existing customers use your product when they open the same newsletter, or you can add a comment urging them to buy an associated product.

Omitting references to social media

Email headlines and preheader content go together like digital networking and email campaigns. You can actually mix email marketing with social media marketing in a variety of ways to increase interaction, gain more followers, and find influencers.

Make sure to at the absolute least add links to your various social media accounts in your email so that your fans may engage with you there as well.

The main goal of your newsletter should be to serve as a resource for your readers. Distributing external information from a partner or peer in your sector is fine if this involves doing so.

Even though you might not get much internet traffic, it demonstrates your willingness to work with others, friendliness, and commitment to providing the greatest content available. 

Additionally, you never know if other companies will return the favor by including your content in their emails.

Here is an example of a newsletter from Really Good Emails:

In their emails, the experts at Really Good Emails do a fantastic job of recommending outside resources.


Well over half of all emails are now opened on mobile devices globally, and 40% of customers claim that their smartphone is the device they use most frequently to check their email.

The use of a responsive or mixed layout in your newsletters is essential given the large number of subscribers that read email on portable devices. Users who struggle to see your content (or who frequently touch and zoom) are less likely to interact.

We hope the above pointers shall help you in crafting your next newsletter campaign. For any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the section below.

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