Anastasia Stefanuk
Meta description: Ruby is becoming more and more popular so there is a big need for ruby on rails programmers and specialists
Those who are just beginning their journey in programming, often face the question of where to start. There are lots of ways into this sphere of work.
Someone chooses JavaScript or Python, but because of the popularity of these programming languages there is a huge competition in the market, and the abundance of materials and resources for their study does not compensate for the situation.
One of the best ways to do it is to try one of the most popular and functional programming languages, such as Ruby and especially its framework Ruby on Rails, which is rightfully considered one of the most functional and highly efficient frameworks, which will allow creating a great product.
What is Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is a Ruby programming language framework. Its special feature is its layering because it implements the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern for web applications.
It is easy to learn and use, which is why it is the best instrument for creating web products.It also lets you create apps 30-40% faster, which is a significant benefit compared to other programming languages. In general, Ruby on Rails is based on the REST-style of building web applications or websites.
Besides that, Ruby on Rails has a stable structure that defines the placement of the files and the general structure of the application.
It still lets users create their own innovations but at the same time, one can use the already-created structure. It helps to save time and finish the project much faster.
The other valuable benefit of this framework is that one can learn how to use it for free - its popularity caused the tendency of many platforms to provide such lessons for free.
The same popularity has also led to the fact that this framework allows solving issues with the localization of the application or site much faster.
Thus, any user can use all the attributes of a resource, regardless of their native language. Ruby on Rails ensures the security of the data and the product as a whole, allowing the resource to avoid hacking or DoS-attack. In addition, Ruby on Rails has constantly updated and publicly available guides, which allow you to get better acquainted with one or another solution.
It is also necessary to remember about the Ruby on Rails repository, which is called RubyGems and contains the tools needed to work with Ruby libraries. All the tools in the repository have their own function, which can be used by a specialist when developing a site if desired.
For example, Devise is used for authentication, and Pundit or CanCanCan for authorization. However, the latter is working, but still an older version. Separate repository tools can also help create web addresses that are more user-friendly.
One such tool is, for example, Friendly_id. And this is only part of the available tools, of which there are actually many more.
What's more, this framework is easily customizable and flexible, allowing you to create your own technical solutions during development. So this framework is not only affordable, but also quite simple, because it contains features and tools that make it easier to work and save time.
10 Most Popular Places to Learn Ruby
Ruby is rapidly evolving and its frameworks are gradually taking advanced positions in the global market.
Mastering this programming language, and especially the Ruby On Rails framework, can provide both an understanding of modern technology and the opportunity to find a well-paying job. In addition to being able to make good money, the user can always use the knowledge gained to create their own product.
If one wants to become a part time ruby on rails developer, then learning Ruby is a worthwhile investment that will pay for itself very quickly. There are a number of platforms and courses that will give one all the knowledge one needs in ruby on rails development.
Each course is unique because the information is presented not only through text, but also through videos and even practical assignments. Here are some of them that will help one to start their journey into Ruby on Rails.

This course is ideal for beginners because it gives knowledge about the Ruby base. It also contains free lessons. The site itself specializes in web development and problem-solving strategies.
The course on Ruby on Rails framework gives deep and useful knowledge in the field of development and gives detailed knowledge about development tools and common features in Rails applications.
In addition, the site also has a course on the programming language Ruby itself, which will allow beginners to quickly master it. It also has some additional courses that will let one expand their knowledge in this area.
2. Learn Ruby on Rails

The course provides basic knowledge specifically on Ruby on Rails framework and is suitable for those professionals who have already mastered Ruby.
It's free, but if you need a certificate at the end of the course, get a subscription of about $23 per month. The course gives detailed knowledge about the basics of creating applications using Ruby on Rails.
Its main prerogative is that it does not consist only of lectures, but also includes practical assignments that will help improve your programming skills. The course itself takes about 10 hours and also includes quizzes.
Additionally, the site lets you try coding by yourself without any extra applications. This creates an additional convenience in learning, because to work with the code you do not need to install additional applications and constantly switch between program windows.
3. Ruby On Rails For Web Development

The main focus of the course is web development. It explains in detail how to use Ruby on Rails to build a website. In addition to the functionality of the site, the course will also explain the specifics of customizing the look and feel of the site.
The course itself includes 6 hours of video and 35 lectures. Moreover, at the end of the course, participants receive certificates confirming their participation.
The course costs $94.99 and lasts about 6 hours. Buying the course once, the user gets permanent access to it. It will be available even when the user completes the course.
4. The Odin Project

The free course provides knowledge about the basics of Ruby. It is ideal for beginners, because it contains both lectures and practical exercises.
The project itself provides everyone with a course on both the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails framework. The first includes a single lesson with lectures and assignments that will give practical knowledge on how to use this programming language to create your own product.
The project also provides a detailed course on working with the framework, which consists of 35 lectures and has a newbie-friendly style of teaching.
All lines of code here are not presented as images, but as text, allowing users to quickly copy them and use them in practice, thereby saving themselves time.
5. Ruby and Ruby on Rails Starter

The course is oriented toward beginners. It's paid, but for $95 you can get access to several hours of video lectures, assignments, and text tutorials with Ruby basics. The course gives a clear understanding of the MVC structure and its further use in practice.
The training is divided into four sections, in each of which students will find the necessary lectures and video materials.
The whole course lasts about 8 hours and includes 68 lectures with detailed information about the framework and its use in creating a web product. If the user successfully completes the course, he also receives a certificate confirming his experience with Ruby on Rails.
6. The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course

Another course for beginners that goes beyond the basics of Ruby to give you deep and useful knowledge. It costs $129.99.
The course is in-depth and contains 432 lectures, divided into 16 sections, in each of which you will learn the basics of programming and their use in practice in creating web applications. Each section will have a different focus of study-whether it's setting up a site or an authentication system.
Materials in the course are served in the form of articles and video lectures. The duration of the course itself is almost 48 hours. Also, this course is a bestseller among courses on development because of its clearness and easy presentation of the material, which allows you to quickly learn how to work with this programming language..
7. Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5

The course is designed for more advanced developers who already know how to use Ruby.
The course materials are presented in the form of text and video lectures, the total duration of which is more than 20 hours.
In addition, it contains warm-ups and practical assignments that allow you to master the material in practice and better consolidate it. It does not require any knowledge in HTML/CSS and the only thing you need is a web browser and internet connection.
The main focuses of the course are frontend, MVC, authentication and site configuration. It costs $94.99 and provides you with a certificate that confirms your level of knowledge in this area. Even when the user finishes the course, they still have access to all the materials that are posted on it.
8. Ruby Science

The book is a self-study Ruby textbook which is a guide that explains in detail the features of working with the framework and its application in practice.
In it, you will learn about the main methods of working with it, technical solutions, and in what cases they will be most relevant, as well as the principles of working with them.
The book has a very high rating and will be useful both for beginners in this area, as well as for more advanced developers. Its cost is up to the user to choose - you can put any price and get the PDF file. In addition, the first chapter is available for free so one can become familiar with the book before buying.
9. Introduction to Ruby on Rails

The course outlines the basics of Ruby for newcomers. It gives all the practical knowledge in 51 lessons. Here you can learn the basics of the framework, ways and methods of working with it, CRUD on Rails, creating and testing your own application.
The course itself is divided into sections, which will allow you to study each topic step by step and in detail.
The course also includes an environment for self-writing code. This allows you to work with lines of code in practice. The course is available by subscription - from $13 to $49 per month, depending on the plan. It is quite cheaper than other courses but not worse.
10. Ruby on Rails by Pragmatic Studio

This course is suitable for both beginners and experts who want to improve their knowledge. It costs $399 and for this money you get a huge amount of material - several hours of video lectures, a workbook, more than 40 sheets with assignments.
The course provides in-depth knowledge of programming in Ruby, as well as work with its frameworks. It will allow you to better understand the structure of your Ruby project, as well as to configure and test it.
The lecturers cover important topics like creating an interactive console prompt and handling command-line input. In addition to technical information, the course also gives good knowledge on the design of your application and its appearance.
So, as you can seem there are many options where you can learn Ruby on Rails, either for a fee or for free. They gave informative knowledge that can be easily used in any sphere of development.
But also do not forget that the most important thing in it all is constant practice and work on your skills. Any knowledge gained in the course should be used in practice to make it even higher.
In addition, nothing prevents you from taking several different courses, because all the courses are prepared by different authors and each of them has its own approach to programming.
Read About Other Important IT Niches
It is also important to mention other programming and product creation niches. For example, typo3 programming is one of the most user-friendly and modern site management systems - that is why typo3 specialists can easily use it.
The main task of a typo3 programmer is to control the work of the resource. TYPO3 itself is written in PHP but uses MySQL. One of the main technical features of TYPO3 is the ability to easily install many extensions that will make your work much easier.
It allows you to create high-quality web pages, set up access and use a single installation on several domains at once. This is especially useful if you want to save money or create a site with a small number of pages.
In general, a typo3 specialist is also needed if the client is not ready to retrain their employees for editors.
In the case of the necessary work on the site it is much easier and often cheaper to hire someone who specializes in this area and is ready to perform the order. This is especially true when the site needs to embed a small online store, which will be fully functional and convenient.
One also needs seo specialists, whose task is to promote sites. His task will be to make sure that the site is well promoted in search engines. To do this, he carefully studies the necessary topics and algorithms in order to use it later to promote a specific product.
SEO specialists not only select high-quality content for the site - videos, articles and other types of information. His tasks also include internal optimization of the site, working through the semantic core, behavioral and commercial factors and many others.
All this allows him to understand how to implement the promotion of a resource and its subsequent operation. But for this, he also needs to understand the principles of the site, and the nuances that may arise during the promotion.
An SEO specialist will help to promote the product on the market. Without his help, it will be very difficult to make the app or the site pay back and it will nullify all efforts of the developer.
Despite the general purpose, namely, the creation of a successful product, the cost of each specialist of a particular niche is different. For example, Ruby on Rail developer and typo3 programmer charge about $68-78 per hour, while the service ecommerce seo expert can cost only $37. Additionally, the cost also depends on the country where the specialist is from and his personal prices.
Despite such a big difference in the hourly rates of developers and SEO specialists, this does not mean that one of the specialists is not needed - for a successful project, one needs all participants to work together.
In addition, do not forget that the hourly rate depends on lots of different factors like experience or country of living. Each country has its own laws and fees. Some specialists even need to pay double fees - to the country of living and to the country of working.
Get Benefits of Combining Methods in Online Business
To create a payback product and website that will be popular with customers, it is not enough to hire one developer. Sometimes even a few developers are not enough to create such a product, so there should always be other experts in the team, such as SEO specialists, advertisers and many others.
Agree, even having the most advanced website at your disposal, you will not get any profit and benefit from it without proper promotion by a SEO expert.
However, it also works in the opposite direction - no matter how hard the experts try to popularize your resource, it will remain low-popular because of the lack of proper technical support. This is why it is important to combine all the methods at your disposal.
As mentioned earlier, for a successful project it is necessary to combine the participation of each specialist on the task. A modern online business can not work without technical support, and without the proper SEO promotion and other nuances.
While ruby on rails programmers are creating the application, the SEO specialist is finding a way to promote it. It will also help to avoid unnecessary expenses with SEO specialists. As a result, everyone is busy with their task and trying their best for the good of the project.
This division of labor also saves time. For example, you don't have to find a way to convert your employees if you just hire several different people to do their jobs. In addition, despite the fact that they are working on the same project and areas of activity are contiguous, there is no need to mix them all.
From the very beginning of the job, you need to remember that everyone does what they are most good at and what area they understand best. Thus, a SEO specialist works on content, but at the same time he consults with developers. Developers make the site convenient and functional, but consult with the SEO specialist about the validity of their decisions.
Moreover Ruby is becoming more and more popular, and it is also a good way to find oneself in programming.
Ruby on Rails is flexible and highly functional, which lets you create unique products with high quality. It has lots of useful instruments that can make the work much easier and spare some time during coding.
It is not difficult to find either a course for beginners or a job as almost all spheres of IT need Ruby programmers. Ruby is the best way to begin a developer career and become a qualified specialist who can create good products.
However, do not forget that any programming and the creation of a successful site can not do without high-quality SEO support, which will ensure the promotion of the site and increase its popularity among users.